Chuyu Wang 王楚豫


I am currently a Tenure-track Assistant Professor (准聘助理教授 & 特聘研究员) and PhD Advisor (博士生导师) in Department of Computer Science and Technology Department at Nanjing University. I received my Ph.D. degree from the DIStributed computing LABoratory (DISLAB), Computer Science and Technology Department of Nanjing University, supervised by Prof. Sanglu Lu and Lei Xie in 2018. I joined the Computer Science and Technology Department of Nanjing University in the same year. My research interests are in the areas of wireless sensing, including RFID, Mobile Computing, and Smart Sensing.

I am recruiting motivated Ph.D. or master students who would like to work on the wireless sensing, pervasive computing and related areas. Undergraduate students who are interested in the related topics are also encouraged to contact me.

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